After original lyric there is an English translation!
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PRAZNA GENERACIJA (Blank Generation)
REKA – POSTOJNA – LUBLANA (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
SEDIM IN PIJEM PIR (Sitting and drinking beer)
VAHID VAHID (Vahid Vahid)
SMEJ SE JIM (Laugh at them)
AMPAK MEN SE ZDI… (But I smell something…)
VSE JE ISTO (Everything stays the same)
TI SI ZVEZDA (You’re a star)
SUPERLIM (Superglue)
FABRKA (The Factory)
OSTAN IDIOT (Stay an Idiot)
NE VI MISLT (Don’t you think)
IGOR SILNI (Igor the Great)
NAREDTE REVOLUCIJO (Make a Revolution)
SONJA JE MRTVA (Sonja is dead)
STAR IN GNIL (Old and Rotten)
NA CESTI (On the Road)
SKRIVNOSTI MLADIH SRC (Young Heart’s Secrets)
VSE JE UREDU (Everything’s OK)
Neč ne vemo, neč ne znamo,
nočmo pomagat, nismo za nobeno rabo.
Res je da nismo ravno po JUS-u,
saj šibamo pesmi le po svojem okusu.
Saj mi smo tisti, mi iz prazne generacije…
Vsi smo si isti, mi iz prazne generacije…
Same laži govorijo o nas,
presojajo nas le po dolžini las.
A kaj me briga, kaj ti starci pravijo o meni,
ukvarjajo naj se rajši s svojimi problemi!
Saj mi smo tisti, mi iz prazne generacije…
Vsi smo si isti, mi iz prazne generacije…
Saj mi smo tisti, mi iz prazne generacije…
Vsi smo si isti…
(Translation: M. Klarič)
We know nothing, we’re no good,
We don’t wanna help, we’re of no use.
We weren’t made according to standard,
And we only sing about what we want.
For we are the ones, the ones from the blank generation….
We are all the same, the ones from the the blank generation….
They all say lies about us,
They only judge us by our hair.
I don’t care what these fossils say,
They’d be better off taking care of their own mess!
For we are the ones, the ones from the blank generation…
We are all the same, the ones from the blank generation…
For we are the ones, the ones from the blank generation…
We are all the same…
Jest sm brzi vlak na liniji (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Na men se tare ljudi (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Dolgi so ti poletni dnevi (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Jest sm brzi vlak na liniji (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
To je brzi vlak, (na liniji)
Reka – Postojna – Lublana. (na liniji)
Skoraj bi jih na gobec dobil,
sprevodnik bil je podgana!
Na meni zakon ne vela (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Po telesih na hodniku teče znoj (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Nad ljudmi se znaša pijan sprevodnik, (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
takoj ti pokaže, da si gnoj!
To je brzi vlak, (na liniji)
Reka – Postojna – Lublana. (na liniji)
Skoraj bi jih na gobec dobil,
sprevodnik bil je podgana!
Jest sm brzi vlak na liniji (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Vsak dan prevažam ljudi (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Pijan sprevodnik kolne, (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
z luknjačem za karte mi grozi. (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
To je brzi vlak, (na liniji)
Reka – Postojna – Lublana. (na liniji)
Skoraj bi jih na gobec dobil,
sprevodnik bil je podgana!
(Translation: M. Klarič)
I am a high-speed train on the line (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
I’m packed with people (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
How long are these summer days (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)… Več
I am a high-speed train on the line (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
This is a high-speed train (on the line)
Reka – Postojna – Lublana (on the line)
I almost got kicked in the teeth,
Conductor was a rat!
The law is not valid on me (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Bodies in the hallway are covered with sweat (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Wasted conductor is taking it out on the crowd (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
He’ll show you what a piece of shit you are.
This is a high-speed train (on the line)
Reka – Postojna – Lublana (on the line)
I almost got kicked in the teeth,
Conductor was a rat!
I am a high-speed train on the line (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
I carry people every day (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
Wasted conductor is swearing (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
He threatens me with his ticket puncher (Reka – Postojna – Lublana)
This is a high-speed train (on the line)
Reka – Postojna – Lublana (on the line)
I almost got kicked in the teeth,
Conductor was a rat!
Imela si kar si hotela,
nakita polno in lepih oblek.
Pr 17-ih svojga šoferja,
v sobi pernice iz rajskega perja…
Tvoja stara se vlači po sodišču,
rada oprala bi svoj obraz.
Spoznala sva se na dvorišču,
stopila si iz avta, ko pršu sm jaz…
1,2,3,4, ta sedim in pijem pir,
5,6,7,8, pijan sm, bedarije trosm!
Lahko si srečna, da si imela,
tazga norca kot sm jaz.
Lahko si srečna, princesa mala,
a poglej, če upaš, mi v obraz.
Tvoja stara se vlači po sodišču,
rada oprala bi svoj obraz.
Spoznala sva se na dvorišču,
stopila si iz avta, ko pršu sm jaz…
1,2,3,4, ta sedim in pijem pir,
5,6,7,8, pijan sm, bedarije trosm!
(Translation: M. Klarič)
You had what you wanted,
A lot of bling and pretty clothes,
Your own chauffeur at 17,…
And bedding filled with feathers heavenly.
Your mamma drags herself through court,
She wants to clear her name,
We met each other in a schoolyard,
You stepped out of the car when I came…
1,2,3,4, I sit here drinking beer,
5,6,7,8, I’m drunk, and I talk shit.
You could be happy that you had me,
A total fool I am.
You could be happy little princess,
But look me, if you dare, in the face.
Your mamma drags herself through court,
She wants to clear her name,
We met each other in a schoolyard,
You stepped out of the car when I came…
1,2,3,4, I sit here drinking beer,
5,6,7,8, I’m drunk, and I talk shit.
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
Dajte mi že mir s temi vašimi lažmi,
do grla sem že sit teh vaših laži.
Ne mi pravt, da je vse v redu,
dokler me njen stari podi od doma,
ker nisem tak kot je on!
Ne vem, kva si misli da je?
Res ne vem, kva si misli da je?
Vem, da boš raje ostala doma,
kot da šla bi z mano,
nikoli ne boš vedela, kva je življenje!
In kva je pol, če nisem tak kot je on,
svinje so tu in tam čez reko,
kva je pol, če nisem Slovenec?
Ne vem, kva si misli da je?
Res ne vem, kva si misli da je?
Pa sem si reku:
Vahid Vahid, kam pa greš?
Vahid Vahid, saj veš, da tja ne smeš!
Vahid Vahid, pejt domov,
pejt domov, pozab na njen naslov!
Vahid Vahid, kam pa greš?
Vahid Vahid, saj veš, da tja ne smeš!
Vahid Vahid, pejt domov,
pejt domov, pozab na njen naslov!
Pozab na njo!
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Gimme a break with these lies of yours,
I’m sick to my stomach of them.
Don’t tell me everything’s ok,
When her old man is kicking me out,
For not being like him!…
I dunno who does he think he is,
I really dunno who does he think he is?
Sure, you’ll rather stay home
Than go out with me,
You’ll just never know what life is!
So what if I’m not like him,
Pigs are here and over the river,
So what if I’m not a Slovenian?
I dunno who does he think he is,
I really dunno who does he think he is?
So I said to myself:
Vahid, Vahid, where are you going?
Vahid, Vahid, you know you’re not supposed to go there!
Vahid, Vahid, go home man,
Go home and forget her address!
Forget her!
Vahid, Vahid, where are you going?
Vahid, Vahid, you know you’re not supposed to go there!
Vahid, Vahid, go home man,
Go home and forget her address!
Forget her!
Moja mama ni prava mama,
ta prave mame se ne spomnem več.
Nje že dolgo ni več na svetu,
za njo že dolgo ne jočem več.
Posrana je, de se je ne spomnem,
a vseeno vem, da je bla zlo fajn.
Očeta še ona ni poznala,
zarad mene šel je v ta usrani svet.
Ona je na štriku končala,
kmal po tem, ko sem pršu na svet.
Ona je na štriku končala,
oče pa je zbežal v svet.
(Translation: M. Klarič)
My mama is not a real mama,
I remember real mama no more.
She’s no longer staying with us,
And I no longer cry over her.
It’s shitty that I don’t remember,
But I still know she was so fine.
She never knew my father,
Because of me he went into this stinking world.
She ended on a rope,
quite as soon as I was born.
She ended on a rope,
And father ran into the world.
Zbriš svoja zafukana čustva,
pokaž jim, da ti je vseen!
Tud, če se le pretvarjaš,
pokaž jim, da ti je vseen!
Smej se jim!
Ko te rinejo v kolesje.
Smej se jim!
Ko te vlečejo po tleh.
Smej se jim!
Ko te dajo v internat.
Smej se jim in udar po zobeh!
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Erase your fucked up feelings,
Show them you don’t care!
Even if you’re just pretending,
Show them you don’t care!
Laugh at them!
When they try to break you,
Laugh at them!
When they drag you across the floor.
Laugh at them!
When they put you in reform school.
Laugh at them and kick their teeth!
Vse je v redu, al pa se le zdi,
hodiš po cest in vidiš.
Ljudje te gledajo nekam postran,
drugačen si, na živce jim greš.
Ampak se zdi, de tukej nekej smrdi!
Ampak se zdi, de tukej nekej smrdi!
Ampak se zdi, de tukej nekej smrdi!
Ampak se zdi….
Kar bi rad povedal, zadrž u seb,
brez veze je it tak mlad sedet.
Bod šablona, če hočeš uspet,
hodiš po cest in vidiš.
Mraz nabija, ura je 2,
možje so zaviti v plašče.
Fotr je premal zaslužu,
razbija doma in pravi….
Ampak se zdi, de tukej nekej smrdi!
Ampak se zdi, de tukej nekej smrdi!
Ampak se zdi, de tukej nekej smrdi!
Ampak se zdi, de tukej nekej smrdi!
Ampak se zdi….
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Everything is ok, or so it seems,
You walk down the street and see.
People give you that curious look,
You’re different, you’re getting on their nerves.
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something…
Keep to yourself what you have to say,
It’s useless to do time so young.
Succumb to the matrix if you wanna succeed,
You walk down the street and see,
It’s freezing, it’s 2 o’clock,
Men are wrapped in coats.
Your old man made no dough,
He’s trashing the house saying…
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something rotten here!
But I smell something…
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
Danes je petek in spet sedim na stolu u sobi.
Skoz tanke stene slišim krike ženske, ki jo nekdo davi.
Iz dneva v dan vse je isto, nč se ne spremeni,
ne ločim več dneva od noči.
Prav neč, prav neč se ne spremeni,
vse je isto, isto vse dni.
Prav neč, prav neč se ne spremeni,
ne ločim več dneva od noči.
Spet je nekdo skočil skozi okno v sobi.
Čustva so premrtva, da bi slišal njihov jok.
Mučna belina naših sten me spravla ob pamet,
ob treh me spet peljejo na elektrošok.
Prav neč, prav neč se ne spremeni,
vse je isto, isto vse dni.
Prav neč, prav neč se ne spremeni,
ne ločim več dneva od noči.
Vse je isto, neč se ne spremeni!
Vse je isto, neč se ne spremeni!
Prav neč, prav neč se ne spremeni!
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
It’s Friday, and I sit on the chair in my room again.
Through the paper walls I hear screams of a woman being strangled by someone.
Day by day everything stays the same, nothing ever changes,
I cannot tell whether it’s night or a day.
Nothing, absolutely nothing ever changes,
Everything stays the same, the same every day.
Nothing, absolutely nothing ever changes,
I cannot tell whether it’s night or a day.
Someone jumped through the window again.
My feelings are too dead to hear them cry.
Sickening whiteness of these walls is driving me mad,
At 3, they are taking me to the ECT again.
Nothing, absolutely nothing ever changes,
Everything stays the same, the same every day.
Nothing, absolutely nothing ever changes,
I cannot tell whether it’s night or a day.
Everything stays the same, the same every day.
Everything stays the same, the same every day.
Nothing, absolutely nothing ever changes.
Ti si zvezda in vsak te pozna.
Tvoja slika je povsod na prvih straneh.
Za tabo norijo moški vsega sveta.
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
Tvoja stegna so občutili vsi,
vsem si zmešala glave.
Za tabo norijo moški vsega sveta.
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
Dej prid že enkrat v klub, kjer igram
in me izvleč iz tega gnoja,
reci ljudem kakšno besedo zame.
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
Saj si zvezda, ki jo vsak pozna!
(Translation: M. Klarič)
You’re a star and everybody knows you,
Your picture is on every front-page.
Men all over the world are crazy for you.
For you are the star we all know!
For you are the star we all know!
Your thighs have been felt by everyone,
You’ve messed up everybody’s head.
Men all over the world are crazy for you.
For you are the star we all know!
For you are the star we all know!
Come for once to the club where I play,
And drag me out of this hole,
Put in a good word for me,
For you are the star we all know!
For you are the star we all know!
For you are the star we all know!
(D..Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
Moji možgani so zlepleni,
ne spomnem se stvari izpred petih minut.
Kje sm, kje sm bil jest?
Kje si, kje si bla ti?
Slišim samo dekle,
ki name nekaj vpije.
Sploh mi ni mar za njo,
naj jo hudič vzame, naj zgine.
Punca, ne mi rečt naj neham,
nekaj vendar moram delat!
Ko pa od tebe ne dobim kar si želim:
Kva naj torej naredim?
Ne spomnem se niti začetka te pesmi,
vem edino de sem se počutu zlo fajn.
Sandra mi je rekla, da sm padel s kauča,
a še zdej ne vem, kdo mi je obul copate?
Punca, ne mi rečt naj neham,
nekaj vendar moram delat!
Ko pa od tebe ne dobim kar si želim:
Kva naj torej naredim?
Kva naj torej naredim?
Kva naj torej naredim?
(D..Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
My brains are sticky,
I can’t remember what happened 5 minutes ago.
Where, where was I?
Where, where were you?
All I hear is a girl,
She’s screaming something at me.
I don’t care shit about her,
Just go to hell, disappear.
Woman, don’t tell me to stop,
I got to do something, don’t I?
I don’t get from you what I crave for:
So what else can I do?
Can’t even remember the start of this song,
All I know is that I felt divine,
Sandra told me I fell off the couch,
And I still don’t know who put my slippers on?
Woman, don’t tell me to stop,
I got to do something, don’t I?
I don’t get from you what I crave for:
So what else can I do?
So what else can I do?
So what else can I do?
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
Oni v bistvu mislijo za mene,
hočejo mi vsilt, kaj je prav in kaj ni.
Ne smeš delat tega, ne smeš delat onga,
ne smeš več ukrepat po svoji glav!
Mi smo tvoji možgani, potrebna doza LSD!
Mi vemo, da nas potrebuješ, če ti ni prav, ti bomo razbil zobe!
Jest sem zdej še mlad, upam, da ne bom nkol tak kot vi!
Moj ideal ni lastna hiša in bazen pred njo.
Kupiti si avto in barvni tv…
Uspelo vam je, zlomili ste mi misli,
moje delo je mehansko in glava je prazna.
Mi smo tvoji možgani, potrebna doza LSD!
Mi vemo, da nas potrebuješ, če ti ni prav, ti bomo razbil zobe!
Oni v bistvu mislijo za mene,
moje delo je mehansko in glava je prazna!
Cesta je ista, drevesa so enaka,
le šofer je včasih drug, a fabrka je ista!
Cesta je ista, drevesa so enaka,
le šofer je včasih drug, a fabrka je ista!
Fabrka je ista….
Fabrka je ista….ista, ista, ista….ista, pizda, ista, pizda……pizda!
Fabrka je ista….ista, ista, ista….ista, pizda, ista, pizda……pizda!
Fabrka je ista….
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
They in fact think instead of me,
They dictate what’s right and what wrong.
Don’t do this, don’t do that,
Don’t follow your own head.
We are your brains, a necessary dose of LSD!
We know that you need us, if you don’t, we’ll break all your bones.
I’m still young, and I hope to never grow up into something like you!
I don’t dream about my own house with a pool,
HD TV and a tank full of fuel…
You’ve made it, you broke my mind,
My work is mechanic and my head is empty.
We are your brains, a necessary dose of LSD!
We know that you need us, if you don’t, we’ll break all your bones.
They in fact think instead of me,
My work is mechanic and my head is empty.
The road is the same and so are the trees,
The driver is sometimes different, but the factory stays the same!
The road is the same and so are the trees,
The driver is sometimes different, but the factory stays the same!
The factory stays the same…
The factory stays the same….same, same, same….same, old shit, same, old shit……shit!
The factory stays the same….same, same, same….same, old shit, same, old shit……shit!
The factory stays the same…
(D.Kaurič/ B.Balant/ D.Kaurič)
Zmeraj se najde bližnjica do sreče.
Zmerej se lohk rešiš pred televizor.
Dost je, če verjameš (u lepše cajte)!
Dost je, če zaupaš (u lepše cajte)!
Dost je, če verjameš (u lepše cajte)!
Idila nedeljskih popoldnevov.
Hočeš srečo za vsako ceno.
Radi se imate za previsoko ceno.
Surovo prebujenje, ko sin ti plune v obraz!
Ostan idiot prav do svojga konca,
le tako boš lahko mirno spal.
Ne se bat, zmerej je izhod,
zmerej se vse lepo konča.
Dost je, če verjameš (u lepše cajte)!
Dost je, če zaupaš (u lepše cajte)!
Dost je, če verjameš (u lepše cajte)!
Ostan idiot prav do svojga konca,
le tako boš lahko mirno spal.
Ne se bat, zmerej je izhod,
zmerej se vse lepo konča.
(Translation: M. Klarič)
You can always find a shortcut to bliss,
You can always save yourself in front of TV.
It’s enough to believe (in happier days)!
It’s enough to believe (in happier days)!
It’s enough to believe (in happier days)!
Sunday afternoon idyll,
You want happiness at all cost,
You love yourself for too high a price,
A rude awakening when son spits in your face.
Stay an idiot right to the end,
That’s the only way to get some sleep.
Don’t be afraid, there’s always a way out,
Everything always ends well.
It’s enough to believe (in happier days)!
It’s enough to believe (in happier days)!
It’s enough to believe (in happier days)!
Stay an idiot right to the end,
That’s the only way to get some sleep.
Don’t be afraid, there’s always a way out,
Everything always ends well.
Ne vi mislt, da se strinjam z vašo teorijo prihodnosti.
Kaj me čaka za vogalom, kaj jest vem čez kolko let.
Jest čem žvet vsak dan posebej, jest nočem star umret!
Jest čem žvet vsak dan posebej!
Pravte mi, nej zdaj dam mir, da bom velik, ko bo cajt za to.
Pravte mi, nej še mal počakam, da imam še vse pred seboj.
Ne vi mislt, da verjamem, kako je fajn, ko si star!
Ko postaneš stari dedek in počas umiraš doma!
Jest čem žvet vsak dan posebej, jest nočem star umret!
Jest čem žvet vsak dan posebej!
Jest nočem, da bi blodil po mraku.
Da bi stara vsak dan stokrat preklela me.
Da bi mi drugi zapravili ves denar.
Da bi moral poslušat pridige vsega sveta!
Ne vi mislt, da se strinjam z vašo teorijo prihodnosti.
Rad bi ostal čist, brez odgovornosti!
Jest čem žvet vsak dan posebej, jest nočem star umret!
Jest čem žvet vsak dan posebej!
Ne vi mislt, da se strinjam!
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Don’t think that I agree with your future theory,
What waits for me around the corner, god knows after how many years.
I wanna live each day as it comes, I don’t wanna die old!
I wanna live each day as it comes!
You’re telling me to give you a break, that I’ll grow up when it’s time,
You’re telling me to wait just a little bit, that I have my whole life ahead.
Don’t think that I believe how great it is when you’re old!
When you turn into a grandpa wasting away all alone!
I wanna live each day as it comes, I don’t wanna die old!
I wanna live each day as it comes!
I don’t wanna wander through the night,
For my old lady to curse me a hundred times,
For others to spend all of my dough,
For the whole world to preach me!
Don’t think that I agree with your future theory,
I’d rather stay clean, no responsibility.
I wanna live each day as it comes, I don’t wanna die old!
I wanna live each day as it comes!
Kak mislš de se zdej počutm, ka vidm d si z drugm?
Ne mislt da se sekiram, tud če tolčem z glavo ob zid!
Bratu sm vse igrače zdrobil!
Vse ribe iz akvarija sm ubil!
Ne mislt, da se sekiram,
kak mislš, de se zdej počutm?
Pred eno uro sm strgal tvojo sliko, mati, kam si dala selotejp?
Samga sebe več ne poznam, kak se lohk to men zgodi?
Bratu sm vse igrače zdrobil!
Vse ribe iz akvarija sm ubil!
Ne mislt, da se sekiram,
kak mislš, de se zdej počutm?
Sprašujejo me: kje si dobu tak bedast izraz?
Ampak še dans mi ni jasno, kak se lohk to men zgodi?
Bratu sm vse igrače zdrobil!
Vse ribe iz akvarija sm ubil!
Ne mislt, da se sekiram,
kak mislš, de se zdej počutm?
Ne razumem in ne kapiram, vse se mi podira!
Vegetiram in blefiram, kak se lohk to men zgodi?
Bratu sm vse igrače zdrobil!
Vse ribe iz akvarija sm ubil!
Ne mislt, da se sekiram,
kak mislš, de se zdej počutm?
(Translation: M. Klarič)
How do you think it makes me feel, seeing you with someone else?
I couldn’t care less about it, even if I bang my head on a wall.
I trashed all of my brother’s toys!
I killed all the fish in aquarium!
I couldn’t care less about it,
How do you think it makes me feel?
I tore your picture an hour ago, mama, where is the glue?
I don’t recognize myself anymore, how can this happen to me?
I trashed all of my brother’s toys!
I killed all the fish in aquarium!
I couldn’t care less about it,
How do you think it makes me feel?
They ask me: where did you get such a silly face?
But I just don’t get it, how can this happen to me?
I don’t get it and I don’t dig, everything’s falling down on me!
I vegetate and I bluff, how can this happen to me?
I trashed all of my brother’s toys!
I killed all the fish in aquarium!
I couldn’t care less about it,
How do you think it makes me feel?
(I.Turk/D.Kaurič/ I. Turk, D.Kaurič)
Vsi bi radi hodil vštric s cajtom,
ta šiba naprej s polnim gasom.
Požrl smo oblube, požrl smo parole,
vsi so šli domov, zabave je konc!
Naredte revolucijo,
naredte revolucijo!
Sam dejte je brez mene,
jest nimam cajta dons!
Sper si šminko dol, noben te več ne gleda,
vsi so šli domov, zabave je konc!
Naredte revolucijo,
naredte revolucijo!
Sam dejte je brez mene,
jest nimam cajta dons!
(I.Turk/D.Kaurič/ I. Turk, D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Everybody wants to keep up with time,
But time passes by at full speed.
We’ve failed our promises, we’ve failed our paroles,
Everybody went home, the party is over!
Make a revolution,
Make a revolution!
Only do it without me,
I don’t have the time today.
Take off your make up, nobody is watching any longer,
Everybody went home, the party is over!
Make a revolution,
Make a revolution!
Only do it without me,
I don’t have the time today.
Sonja je bla mlada, imela ga je rada,
stara se joče, oče še ne ve.
Stanovala je v bloku zraven nas,
Sonja leži na postelji….
Sonja je mrtva…
Sonja je mrtva…
Sonja je mrtva…
Sonja je odprla ventil od plina,
popiješ in razbiješ spet in spet…
Nobeden ni opazu, ko Sonje ni blo v šolo,
neznana sila, jo je zlomila.
Sonja je odprla ventil od plina,
ni bla več tko lepa, ni bla več tko fina!
Sonja je mrtva…
Sonja je mrtva…
Sonja je mrtva…
Sonja je odprla ventil od plina
popiješ in razbiješ spet in spet…
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Sonja was a bird, she fell for a flirt,
Mama is crying, papa is flying.
She used to live in a building near us,
Sonja is lying on her bed…
Sonja is dead…
Sonja is dead…
Sonja is dead…
Sonja opened the gas lid,
You drink and you sink on and on…
No one noticed when Sonja didn’t come to school,
Unknown force threw her off course.
Sonja opened the gas lid,
No longer pretty, no longer witty!
Sonja is dead…
Sonja is dead…
Sonja is dead…
Sonja opened the gas lid,
You drink and you sink on and on…
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/D.Kaurič)
Po končani vojski, kaj te čaka?
Punca, ki si jo imel, se je poročila.
Tebe ni čakala, hvala bogu,
zdej je debela, kmalu bo rodila.
Ne morš se sprijaznt s tem,
da si iz dneva v dan starejši!
Da postajaš star, seniln debil,
fant, tvoja bodočnost je pusta!
Sedel boš na klopc v parku,
ko boš star, star in gnil!
Ob sobotah boš delal za druge,
ko boš star, star in gnil!
Ne morš se sprijaznt s tem,
da si iz dneva v dan starejši!
Da postajaš star, seniln debil,
fant, tvoja bodočnost je pusta!
Fant, tvoja bodočnost je pusta!
Postal boš suženj stružnice,
vse, sam da boš šefu všeč!
Le v sanjah svojih boš lezel naprej,
a v gnoju boš še zmeraj, tak kot prej!
Ne morš se sprijaznt s tem,
da si iz dneva v dan starejši!
Da postajaš star, seniln debil,
fant, tvoja bodočnost je pusta!
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
After the army, what’s waiting for you?
The girl you had got married.
She didn’t wait for you, thanks god
She’s fat now and due any day.
You cannot accept that
You’re getting older each day!
That you’re turning into an old, senile ass,
Boy, your future is a dread!
You’ll sit on a bench in a park,
When you’re old, old, and rotten.
You’ll work for others on Saturdays,
When you’re old, old, and rotten.
You cannot accept that
You’re getting older each day!
That you’re turning into an old, senile ass,
Boy, your future is a dread!
Boy, your future is a dread!
You’ll turn into a slave of the drill,
Everything, just to give boss a thrill!
You’ll only crawl forward in dreams,
Still staying a wreck, just like before!
You cannot accept that
You’re getting older each day!
That you’re turning into an old, senile ass,
Boy, your future is a dread!
Boy, your future is a dread!
Za življenje na cesti rabiš hiter refleks!
Za tabo so le sence, pred tabo slepeče luči!
Na cesti zelo lahko samega sebe zgubiš!
Pozabiš stvari, ki so se zgodile.
Pozabiš ljubezni, ki so minile.
Pozabiš stvari, ki so se zgodile.
Na cesti pod lučmi, življenje je umazano!
Na cesti pod lučmi…
Na pločniku se v krvi bleščijo luči policijskih avtomobilov!
Po ulici odmevajo kriki preplašenih ljudi!
In ta kri na tleh je najbrž tvoja kri!
Na cesti vidiš umazane stvari,
zberi pogum in odpri oči!
Blesk teh slepečih luči!
Na cesti pod lučmi, življenje je umazano!
Na cesti pod lučmi…
(Translation: M. Klarič)
For life on the road you need good reflexes!
Behind you are shadows, in front blinding lights!
You can lose yourself on the road!
Forget the things that have passed.
Forget the loves that are gone.
Forget the things that have passed.
On the road under the lights, life is dirty.
On the road under the lights…
In the blood on the pavement police cars’ lights shine!
In the street echoes of passersby’s cries!
And this blood on the ground must be your blood!
You see dirty things on the road,
Find the courage and open your eyes!
The shine of these blinding lights!
On the road under the lights, life is dirty.
On the road under the lights…
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
Poljubi me in pozab!
Poljubi me in pozab!
Izkorist me in pozab, zdej sm u najboljših letih.
Izkorist me in pozab, zdej sm u najboljših letih.
Poljubi me…
Pozabi me, nism junak iz doktor romanov!
Pozabi me, moja malca so vampi in pivo!
Pozabi me, nikoli ne bom kot Bojan Križaj!
Pozabi me, ob sobotah me prnesejo domov!
Izkorist me in pozab, zdej sm u najboljših letih.
Izkorist me in pozab, zdej sm u najboljših letih.
Poljubi me…
Pozabi me, sem utrujena klimatska naprava!
Pozabi me, sigurno bi imela defektne otroke!
Pozabi me, saj ravno tako kot ti,
vsako jutro ob 6-ih vstajam.
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Kiss me and forget!
Kiss me and forget!
Use me and forget, these are my best years.
Use me and forget, these are my best years.
Kiss me…
Forget me now, I’m not a romance hero!
Forget me now, I feed on tripe, drinking beer!
Forget me now, I’ll never be like Bojan Krizaj!
Forget me now, they drag me home each Saturday night!
Use me and forget, these are my best years.
Use me and forget, these are my best years.
Kiss me…
Forget me now, I’m a tired AC!
Forget me now, we’d surely have defected kids!
Forget me now, for just like you,
I too get up each day at 6.
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
Dragulji žvenketajo na domači zabavi,
čuti se, da niso pravi, kaviar je na miz.
Iz zvočnikov prhaja Marjana Držaj,
wc je pobruhan, platce so iz Italije.
Jest pa sedim u parku, na klupc.
Rišem po tleh in iščem svoj rubc.
Stiskam mozle in iščem rime.
Bojim se, da jih ne najdem do zime.
Redni obiskovalci galerij zaradi mode,
stalen abonma u gledališču.
Veselje na snegu, na tujih smučiščih,
ste vidl slike, ko smo bli v tokijskem prstanišču?
Jest pa sedim u parku, na klupc.
Rišem po tleh in iščem svoj rubc.
Stiskam mozole in iščem rime.
Bojim se, da jih ne najdem do zime.
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
Bling is tinkling at a party,
You can tell it’s not real, caviar is served.
Marjana Derzaj’s coming out of the speakers,
There’s puke in the toilet, tiles are from Italy.
And I sit in a park, on a bench.
I draw on the floor looking for a tissue.
I pop pimples looking for rimes,
And fear there’ll be none till the Valentine.
Regular visitors of galleries, it’s in fashion,
Yearly theatre subscription.
Joy on the snow, in foreign resorts,
Have you seen our pics from the port of Tokyo?
And I sit in a park, on a bench.
I draw on the floor looking for a tissue.
I pop pimples looking for rimes,
And fear there’ll be none till the Valentine.
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
Dost je ldi, ka dobro vedo,
kako je treba delat.
Sami si ne mažejo rok,
povsod je tako in zato:
Tud pr nas, tud pr nas…
Dost ldi še zmerej verjame,
da dobro premaga zlo.
Trdijo, da je vse uredu,
in da se njim ne more nič zgodit.
Tud pr nas, tud pr nas…
Tud pr nas, tud pr nas…
Dost ldi je nekaj doseglo
in ti so na visokih položajih.
Ti nam krojijo zakone,
povsod je tako in zato:
Tud pr nas, tud pr nas…
Tud pr nas, tud pr nas…
Ptički žvrgolijo,
sonce kot po naročilu.
Ampak zapri vrata, ne smejo
slišat našega prepira.
Dost ldi še zmerej verjame,
da dobro premaga zlo.
Trdijo, da je vse uredu,
in da se njim ne more nič zgodit.
Vse je uredu, vse je uredu…
Vse je uredu, vse je uredu…
(D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič/ D.Kaurič)
(Translation: M. Klarič)
There are many who know.
How to take care of things.
They let someone else do it,
That’s how it goes everywhere and so:
Here as well, here as well.
There are many who still believe
That good conquers evil.
They claim how everything is OK,
And how nothing can happen to them.
Here as well, here as well…
Here as well, here as well…
Many accomplished something,
And these hold the highest rank.
These are the ones, who dictate our laws,
That’s how it goes everywhere, and so:
Here as well, here as well…
Here as well, here as well…
Birds are singing,
Sun’s like to order,
But close the door, they mustn’t
Hear our brawl.
There are many who still believe
That good conquers evil.
They claim how everything is OK,
And how nothing can happen to them.
Here as well, here as well…
Here as well, here as well…